Rory Blank@BoneJail

    guess what's back at mcdonalds

    guess what's back at mcdonalds
    Rory Blank@BoneJail

    here he comes

    here he comes
    Rory Blank@BoneJail

    hey frankenstein's monster what are you doing?

    hey frankenstein's monster what are you doing?
    Rory Blank@BoneJail

    i scrapped the comic strip i was going to run today and drew this instead because my ac is full of mold

    i scrapped the comic strip i was going to run today and drew this instead because my ac is full of mold
    Rory Blank@BoneJail

    worm story I was up until 4 AM packing stuff I had to take to the post office today so this is what you get.

    worm story
I was up until 4 AM packing stuff I had to take to the post office today so this is what you get.