[OC] Meet Rosea, an (unlicensed) pokemon researcher that focuses on the Thanatology of pokemon. He is the kind of person who would be more popular if he would shut up.
Callout post meme for @jsketch12 :3c She's a blacksmith that likes going onto battlefields to test her armors and weapons!
Please if you like dungeon meshi read fool night, it's haunting yet beautiful. People desperately struggling to survive in a society that wants them die. Very imperfect yet realistic protagonists, that I think a lot of us will relate in this current age.
Limbus posting #LimbusCompany #LimbusSweep
Take his hand, take it. #LimbusCompany #LimbusSweep
Workout time! #FireEmblemThreeHouses #FE風花雪月
#LimbusCompany He's not getting a break is he
...cube #SmashBrosUltimate #SmashBros #スマブラ
ouch! #FEHeroes #FEヒーローズ
@SMGold_ @springhakurei Secret bonus: Simon helping Richter to open his club penguin account