Callout post meme for @jsketch12 :3c She's a blacksmith that likes going onto battlefields to test her armors and weapons!
This guy is practicing trumpet again and I just. Want to music duet with my kalimba please
Please if you like dungeon meshi read fool night, it's haunting yet beautiful. People desperately struggling to survive in a society that wants them die. Very imperfect yet realistic protagonists, that I think a lot of us will relate in this current age.
Limbus posting #LimbusCompany #LimbusSweep
Take his hand, take it. #LimbusCompany #LimbusSweep
Workout time! #FireEmblemThreeHouses #FE風花雪月
#LimbusCompany He's not getting a break is he
...cube #SmashBrosUltimate #SmashBros #スマブラ
ouch! #FEHeroes #FEヒーローズ
@SMGold_ @springhakurei Secret bonus: Simon helping Richter to open his club penguin account