Some wips from Last night (if you rt these keep looking for the finished products and rt those too please)

    Some wips from Last night

(if you rt these keep looking for the finished products and rt those too please)
    Some wips from Last night

(if you rt these keep looking for the finished products and rt those too please)

    hi im vivi and i mostly draw bad fire emblem joke art but having a bigger platform wouldn't suck either?? hey #NobodyArtistClub

    hi im vivi and i mostly draw bad fire emblem joke art but having a bigger platform wouldn't suck either?? hey
    hi im vivi and i mostly draw bad fire emblem joke art but having a bigger platform wouldn't suck either?? hey
    hi im vivi and i mostly draw bad fire emblem joke art but having a bigger platform wouldn't suck either?? hey


    [redacted] reboot but danny's an overworked aerospace tech corp intern

    [redacted] reboot but danny's an overworked aerospace tech corp intern
    [redacted] reboot but danny's an overworked aerospace tech corp intern

    first (bamboo) current (an intuos model i cant buy pens for anymore) (yes i need a new computer tablet dont look at me)

    first (bamboo)
current (an intuos model i cant buy pens for anymore)
(yes i need a new computer tablet dont look at me)
    first (bamboo)
current (an intuos model i cant buy pens for anymore)
(yes i need a new computer tablet dont look at me)