
    anyways I had a colossal mood drop over a certain smth so here's a funnie comic to compensate and to try bringing my own mood back:

    anyways I had a colossal mood drop over a certain smth so here's a funnie comic to compensate and to try bringing my own mood back:
    anyways I had a colossal mood drop over a certain smth so here's a funnie comic to compensate and to try bringing my own mood back:
    anyways I had a colossal mood drop over a certain smth so here's a funnie comic to compensate and to try bringing my own mood back:



    Working on... a man...

    Working on... a man...

    Been playing around with ideas a lot as of late and just been having fun working on new characters again so may i show u the littol found family that is Droen's band <:)

    Been playing around with ideas a lot as of late and just been having fun working on new characters again so may i show u the littol found family that is Droen's band  <:)
    Been playing around with ideas a lot as of late and just been having fun working on new characters again so may i show u the littol found family that is Droen's band  <:)
    Been playing around with ideas a lot as of late and just been having fun working on new characters again so may i show u the littol found family that is Droen's band  <:)
    Been playing around with ideas a lot as of late and just been having fun working on new characters again so may i show u the littol found family that is Droen's band  <:)

    Luc is there also and he does more of the band managing but i couldn't fit him into the previous tweet u____u

    Luc is there also and he does more of the band managing but i couldn't fit him into the previous tweet u____u