(4/5) An endless sea of rice that moves with the wind, catching cicadas, little egrets hunt for food in the rice paddies, racing paper boats in the canals when it rains


An endless sea of rice that moves with the wind, catching cicadas, little egrets hunt for food in the rice paddies, racing paper boats in the canals when it rains

    (5/5) The smell of rice cooking in Ah Ma's Tatung, spotting geckos on the walls at night, bats flit through the sky as the sun sets, Ah Gong lights sparklers for us to dance with


The smell of rice cooking in Ah Ma's Tatung, spotting geckos on the walls at night, bats flit through the sky as the sun sets, Ah Gong lights sparklers for us to dance with

    A perfect summer's day ✨

    A perfect summer's day ✨

    Interior map for Sinner's Isle by @montoyasangel . Thank you to AD April Ward and the team at Penguin Randomhouse! 🖤☠️

    Interior map for Sinner's Isle by @montoyasangel . Thank you to AD April Ward and the team at Penguin Randomhouse! 🖤☠️
    Interior map for Sinner's Isle by @montoyasangel . Thank you to AD April Ward and the team at Penguin Randomhouse! 🖤☠️
    Interior map for Sinner's Isle by @montoyasangel . Thank you to AD April Ward and the team at Penguin Randomhouse! 🖤☠️



