정🎴AX C16@dune5and

    a sketch of norman i liked

    a sketch of norman i liked
    정🎴AX C16@dune5and

    atra has to wrap himself up anytime he goes into town cause he's undead that and he pogged today

    atra has to wrap himself up anytime he goes into town cause he's undead

that and he pogged today
    atra has to wrap himself up anytime he goes into town cause he's undead

that and he pogged today
    정🎴AX C16@dune5and


    정🎴AX C16@dune5and

    ty 4 the suggestions! #SixFanarts

    ty 4 the suggestions! #SixFanarts
    정🎴AX C16@dune5and

    colored real quick too but.. i only like these three's colors hehe!

    colored real quick too but.. i only like these three's colors hehe!
    colored real quick too but.. i only like these three's colors hehe!