more sketches of these qts

    more sketches of these qts
    more sketches of these qts

    Started finalizing a few panels on our gay football comic. It's called "For the Girls"! This is becoming quite the quarantine passion project and there's still a lot to do but I'm so excited to share the final comic someday! Story by the amazing @adinaterrific

    Started finalizing a few panels on our gay football comic. It's called "For the Girls"!

This is becoming quite the quarantine passion project and there's still a lot to do but I'm so excited to share the final comic someday! Story by the amazing @adinaterrific
    Started finalizing a few panels on our gay football comic. It's called "For the Girls"!

This is becoming quite the quarantine passion project and there's still a lot to do but I'm so excited to share the final comic someday! Story by the amazing @adinaterrific

    kicking off the new year binging grey's and making comic progress ?

    kicking off the new year binging grey's and making comic progress ?

    i'm gonna be saying this for months but I'm so excited for our gay football comic @adinaterrific

    i'm gonna be saying this for months but I'm so excited for our gay football comic @adinaterrific

    - comic progress - ?

    - comic progress - ?