ought to create a catalogue of ruyan shot refferences cause i swear i draw her looking too mushy compared to his in game model lmao

    ought to create a catalogue of ruyan shot refferences cause i swear i draw her looking too mushy compared to his in game model lmao

    vance is the first person not to mention tocks flatscreen forehead and tatala thinks she found a keeper until he picks tock up and goes ''why she looks nothing like ya, are you sure we stole the right kid?" jokingly and tatala threatens to break his ankles

    vance is the first person not to mention tocks flatscreen forehead and tatala thinks she found a keeper until he picks tock up and goes ''why she looks nothing like ya, are you sure we stole the right kid?" jokingly and tatala threatens to break his ankles

    yes this drawing has taken me three hours on lining alone. yes its because i refuse to stop hatching every time

    yes this drawing has taken me three hours on lining alone. yes its because i refuse to stop hatching every time

    weeping at my loss here scholar was my favorite story of this whole game 😔 F

    weeping at my loss here scholar was my favorite story of this whole game 😔 F
    weeping at my loss here scholar was my favorite story of this whole game 😔 F
    weeping at my loss here scholar was my favorite story of this whole game 😔 F

    for someone with no sense of structure or shaping in art i really do love making squared out art. actually insanely proud of this one but its too abstract to pass off as a finished piece of art

    for someone with no sense of structure or shaping in art i really do love making squared out art. actually insanely proud of this one but its too abstract to pass off as a finished piece of art