Logan is so unequivocally invested in Tristan's talents because he KNOWS his creative work is trash. Logan can't write deep verses or compose heartfelt songs because he can not empathize with human emotions…Yet. He has a cool dude facade, but he feels like a loser deep down.

    Logan is so unequivocally invested in Tristan's talents because he KNOWS his creative work is trash. Logan can't write deep verses or compose heartfelt songs because he can not empathize with human emotions…Yet. He has a cool dude facade, but he feels like a loser deep down.

    SO my past dentist lied to me saying I had impacted molars. Turns out they're perfectly fine. Still gonna pull em out to avoid further infections under my gums.

    SO my past dentist lied to me saying I had impacted molars. Turns out they're perfectly fine. Still gonna pull em out to avoid further infections under my gums.

    Adventricular hype!! These are some of the polaroids I sketched for the MV!

    Adventricular hype!! These are some of the polaroids I sketched for the MV!
    Adventricular hype!! These are some of the polaroids I sketched for the MV!
    Adventricular hype!! These are some of the polaroids I sketched for the MV!
    Adventricular hype!! These are some of the polaroids I sketched for the MV!

    Drain giving Griff and aurograph

    Drain giving Griff and aurograph
    Drain giving Griff and aurograph
    Drain giving Griff and aurograph

    😳🤙 left on a cliffhanger ey? I'm ready to pick this baby back up.

    😳🤙 left on a cliffhanger ey? I'm ready to pick this baby back up.