Posting some wip

    Posting some wip

    No one asked but here's my I-chu content from nowhere. Still can't believe they are going to release a Switch version of the OG I-chu that was a free mobile game.. guess I'll buy tho 🤷‍♂️ #AChuForYou2021 #アイチュウFA #アイチュウ6周年

    No one asked but here's my I-chu content from nowhere. Still can't believe they are going to release a Switch version of the OG I-chu that was a free mobile game.. guess I'll buy tho 🤷‍♂️

    Some doodles from sketchbook Record of Ragnarok x Genshin (Adam & Chongyun are both voiced by Saito Soma) Xingqiu (tried to use nankin orz) My husband

    Some doodles from sketchbook
Record of Ragnarok x Genshin (Adam & Chongyun are both voiced by Saito Soma)
Xingqiu (tried to use nankin orz)
My husband
    Some doodles from sketchbook
Record of Ragnarok x Genshin (Adam & Chongyun are both voiced by Saito Soma)
Xingqiu (tried to use nankin orz)
My husband
    Some doodles from sketchbook
Record of Ragnarok x Genshin (Adam & Chongyun are both voiced by Saito Soma)
Xingqiu (tried to use nankin orz)
My husband

    Still talking about Record of Ragnarok, I also tried to draw Thor when I finished watching the anime! Unfortunately my version isn't really scary or imposing like Ajichika-sensei draws muscles and anatomy (sorry🙏). I want to draw Okita and Jack too

    Still talking about Record of Ragnarok, I also tried to draw Thor when I finished watching the anime!
Unfortunately my version isn't really scary or imposing like Ajichika-sensei draws muscles and anatomy (sorry🙏). I want to draw Okita and Jack too

    btw are you guys winning #GenshinImpact #原神

    btw are you guys winning #GenshinImpact #原神