Matías Bergara@matiasbergara

    Or this girls.

    Or this girls.
    Matías Bergara@matiasbergara

    Autumn 🍂

    Autumn 🍂
    Matías Bergara@matiasbergara

    color / bw art from #coda issue 8

    color / bw
art from #coda issue 8
    color / bw
art from #coda issue 8
    Matías Bergara@matiasbergara

    Reborn Dragon concept for #Coda. This one came to me in a dream.

    Reborn Dragon concept for #Coda. 
This one came to me in a dream.
    Matías Bergara@matiasbergara

    Weapon X was the first time I read an "adult" comic as a kid, loaned by a friend, in a time where those books were hard to find. An unforgettable experience and very influential to many of us. My fav Marvel book ever. Happy birthday Barry Windsor Smith!

    Weapon X was the first time I read an "adult" comic as a kid, loaned by a friend, in a time where those books were hard to find. An unforgettable experience and very influential to many of us. My fav Marvel book ever.
Happy birthday Barry Windsor Smith!