Dan Schkade@DanSchkade

    Recap: The Spider is one of the top 3 characters of the "hero pulps," along with Doc Savage & the Spider's direct market competition, the Shadow. He appeared in 118 pulp novels from 1933 to 1943, primarily written by the beast Norvell Page under the house name "Grant Stockbridge"

    Recap: The Spider is one of the top 3 characters of the "hero pulps," along with Doc Savage & the Spider's direct market competition, the Shadow. He appeared in 118 pulp novels from 1933 to 1943, primarily written by the beast Norvell Page under the house name "Grant Stockbridge"
    Dan Schkade@DanSchkade

    The Spider - "Master of Men" - is millionaire WWI veteran Richard Wentworth, a crack shot and master of disguise. He's assisted by a couple of old war buddies and his fiancée, Nita Van Sloan, who occasionally stands in as the Spider when he gets injured.

    The Spider - "Master of Men" - is millionaire WWI veteran Richard Wentworth, a crack shot and master of disguise. He's assisted by a couple of old war buddies and his fiancée, Nita Van Sloan, who occasionally stands in as the Spider when he gets injured.
    The Spider - "Master of Men" - is millionaire WWI veteran Richard Wentworth, a crack shot and master of disguise. He's assisted by a couple of old war buddies and his fiancée, Nita Van Sloan, who occasionally stands in as the Spider when he gets injured.
    Dan Schkade@DanSchkade

    I'm relatively sure all my editors are now asleep, so I feel comfortable admitting to you how much of my headspace is secretly dedicated to the beguiling world of TOOTH-PASTE & THE WIGGLER ?➿

    I'm relatively sure all my editors are now asleep, so I feel comfortable admitting to you how much of my headspace is secretly dedicated to the beguiling world of TOOTH-PASTE & THE WIGGLER ?➿
    I'm relatively sure all my editors are now asleep, so I feel comfortable admitting to you how much of my headspace is secretly dedicated to the beguiling world of TOOTH-PASTE & THE WIGGLER ?➿
    I'm relatively sure all my editors are now asleep, so I feel comfortable admitting to you how much of my headspace is secretly dedicated to the beguiling world of TOOTH-PASTE & THE WIGGLER ?➿
    I'm relatively sure all my editors are now asleep, so I feel comfortable admitting to you how much of my headspace is secretly dedicated to the beguiling world of TOOTH-PASTE & THE WIGGLER ?➿
    Dan Schkade@DanSchkade

    My creative process in one image: https://t.co/KpO1FDFdm3

    My creative process in one image: https://t.co/KpO1FDFdm3
    Dan Schkade@DanSchkade

    As usual, Hagai totally picks up what I'm trying to lay down- I love superheroes as a combo subgenre + narrative device, but at its heart has to be the idea that "superhero" is something a character does (putting extraordinary abilities towards noble ends) not something they are. https://t.co/vSgZOvHGOs

    As usual, Hagai totally picks up what I'm trying to lay down- I love superheroes as a combo subgenre + narrative device, but at its heart has to be the idea that "superhero" is something a character does (putting extraordinary abilities towards noble ends) not something they are. https://t.co/vSgZOvHGOs
    As usual, Hagai totally picks up what I'm trying to lay down- I love superheroes as a combo subgenre + narrative device, but at its heart has to be the idea that "superhero" is something a character does (putting extraordinary abilities towards noble ends) not something they are. https://t.co/vSgZOvHGOs
    As usual, Hagai totally picks up what I'm trying to lay down- I love superheroes as a combo subgenre + narrative device, but at its heart has to be the idea that "superhero" is something a character does (putting extraordinary abilities towards noble ends) not something they are. https://t.co/vSgZOvHGOs