Cameron Sewell@Thdark101

    I take a nap and wake up to this ? The comments have all been surprisingly kind about my ancient meme/reaction images, and it makes me happy that people seem to remember these fondly.

    I take a nap and wake up to this ?
The comments have all been surprisingly kind about my ancient meme/reaction images, and it makes me happy that people seem to remember these fondly.
    Cameron Sewell@Thdark101

    I am experiencing severe brain lock-up, so maybe this will be a good warm-up so I can do the actual work I need to do. Curious what characters people would want to see from me.

    I am experiencing severe brain lock-up, so maybe this will be a good warm-up so I can do the actual work I need to do. Curious what characters people would want to see from me.
    Cameron Sewell@Thdark101

    Starting this off with a STRONG Capcom leaning

    Starting this off with a STRONG Capcom leaning
    Cameron Sewell@Thdark101

    2 more down. I'll try to make sure the last two aren't from long dead franchises. (No promises)

    2 more down. I'll try to make sure the last two aren't from long dead franchises. (No promises)
    Cameron Sewell@Thdark101

    What and odd collection of characters this is, but it was fun. Good warm-ups!

    What and odd collection of characters this is, but it was fun. Good warm-ups!