Cameron Sewell@Thdark101

    I love her motorcycle 🙏

    I love her motorcycle 🙏
    Cameron Sewell@Thdark101

    When I heard we were getting more Trigun, I was looking forward to seeing Nightow's style translated into a new, hopefully bigger budget project. I like his art, so it's just a bummer that there's very little of it left. Hope they nail the silly humor moments at least

    When I heard we were getting more Trigun, I was looking forward to seeing Nightow's style translated into a new, hopefully bigger budget project. 
I like his art, so it's just a bummer that there's very little of it left. Hope they nail the silly humor moments at least
    When I heard we were getting more Trigun, I was looking forward to seeing Nightow's style translated into a new, hopefully bigger budget project. 
I like his art, so it's just a bummer that there's very little of it left. Hope they nail the silly humor moments at least
    Cameron Sewell@Thdark101

    So I was looking at the trailer again, and thought they removed the iconic bottom-cylinder firing design of Vash's gun: Looking in detail, it seems to still fire from the bottom, but the "special" mechanisms are now below the barrel instead of on-top? Also looks to fire .22 LR

    So I was looking at the trailer again, and thought they removed the iconic bottom-cylinder firing design of Vash's gun: Looking in detail, it seems to still fire from the bottom, but the "special" mechanisms are now below the barrel instead of on-top? Also looks to fire .22 LR
    So I was looking at the trailer again, and thought they removed the iconic bottom-cylinder firing design of Vash's gun: Looking in detail, it seems to still fire from the bottom, but the "special" mechanisms are now below the barrel instead of on-top? Also looks to fire .22 LR
    So I was looking at the trailer again, and thought they removed the iconic bottom-cylinder firing design of Vash's gun: Looking in detail, it seems to still fire from the bottom, but the "special" mechanisms are now below the barrel instead of on-top? Also looks to fire .22 LR
    Cameron Sewell@Thdark101

    Remember when I drew on PAPER back in 2019 when I made stickers?? Me neither! Would love to do that again

    Remember when I drew on PAPER back in 2019 when I made stickers?? Me neither!
Would love to do that again
    Remember when I drew on PAPER back in 2019 when I made stickers?? Me neither!
Would love to do that again
    Cameron Sewell@Thdark101

    I vow to make my signature even more ingrained and annoying to remove from my drawings and art, henceforth.

    I vow to make my signature even more ingrained and annoying to remove from my drawings and art, henceforth.