
    idk how many of you need this, but if you need to quickly adjust the thickness of your lineart layer in Photoshop, you can go to Filter > Other > Maximum/Minimum so you don't have to meticulously redraw/erase everything you've done. Minimum makes it big, Maximum makes it thin.

    idk how many of you need this, but if you need to quickly adjust the thickness of your lineart layer in Photoshop, you can go to Filter > Other > Maximum/Minimum so you don't have to meticulously redraw/erase everything you've done. 
Minimum makes it big, Maximum makes it thin.
    idk how many of you need this, but if you need to quickly adjust the thickness of your lineart layer in Photoshop, you can go to Filter > Other > Maximum/Minimum so you don't have to meticulously redraw/erase everything you've done. 
Minimum makes it big, Maximum makes it thin.
    idk how many of you need this, but if you need to quickly adjust the thickness of your lineart layer in Photoshop, you can go to Filter > Other > Maximum/Minimum so you don't have to meticulously redraw/erase everything you've done. 
Minimum makes it big, Maximum makes it thin.
    idk how many of you need this, but if you need to quickly adjust the thickness of your lineart layer in Photoshop, you can go to Filter > Other > Maximum/Minimum so you don't have to meticulously redraw/erase everything you've done. 
Minimum makes it big, Maximum makes it thin.

    @BetaScout135 @KaitSnod Then you go square-ier and more tired

    @BetaScout135 @KaitSnod Then you go square-ier and more tired

    This doesn't even include the animated shit I've done that gets stolen/reposted lmao

    This doesn't even include the animated shit I've done that gets stolen/reposted lmao
    This doesn't even include the animated shit I've done that gets stolen/reposted lmao
    This doesn't even include the animated shit I've done that gets stolen/reposted lmao
    This doesn't even include the animated shit I've done that gets stolen/reposted lmao

    How to make quick and easy anime zoom lines in Photoshop: a tutorial (2/2)

    How to make quick and easy anime zoom lines in Photoshop: a tutorial (2/2)
    How to make quick and easy anime zoom lines in Photoshop: a tutorial (2/2)
    How to make quick and easy anime zoom lines in Photoshop: a tutorial (2/2)
    How to make quick and easy anime zoom lines in Photoshop: a tutorial (2/2)

    It occurred to me that I've never posted Brendan to Twitter before so here's more of him. He's my kiss-less virgin tiefling bard and a big fuckin' classical music snob.

    It occurred to me that I've never posted Brendan to Twitter before so here's more of him. He's my kiss-less virgin tiefling bard and a big fuckin' classical music snob.
    It occurred to me that I've never posted Brendan to Twitter before so here's more of him. He's my kiss-less virgin tiefling bard and a big fuckin' classical music snob.
    It occurred to me that I've never posted Brendan to Twitter before so here's more of him. He's my kiss-less virgin tiefling bard and a big fuckin' classical music snob.
    It occurred to me that I've never posted Brendan to Twitter before so here's more of him. He's my kiss-less virgin tiefling bard and a big fuckin' classical music snob.