While on the whole my life has significantly improved, things have occasionally been difficult and messy in unexpected ways. I did what I felt I had to at the time to emotionally protect myself, but I do have regrets.

    While on the whole my life has significantly improved, things have occasionally been difficult and messy in unexpected ways.

I did what I felt I had to at the time to emotionally protect myself, but I do have regrets.

    The comics from this period regularly focused on dysphoria Looking back now, there was a huge source of stress in my life at the time I was trying to ignore out of fear of confrontation- that stress often manifested as my hyper-focusing on the minutiae of dysphoria. Whoops!

    The comics from this period regularly focused on dysphoria

Looking back now, there was a huge source of stress in my life at the time I was trying to ignore out of fear of confrontation- that stress often manifested as my hyper-focusing on the minutiae of dysphoria. Whoops!

    Love dysphoria, you know?

    Love dysphoria, you know?

    It's important to reflect on where you've been and how far you've come.

    It's important to reflect on where you've been and how far you've come.

    This was an important moment from this past year and I wanted to make this comic so I didn't one day lose the memory to the ether of time ?

    This was an important moment from this past year and I wanted to make this comic so I didn't one day lose the memory to the ether of time ?