Therapy!! God, I love it. It's been such an important part of my growth over the past few years~ The weekly ritual of talking to someone who gets my deal has taken all the guessing-games out of my thought process. ?

    Therapy!! God, I love it.

It's been such an important part of my growth over the past few years~ The weekly ritual of talking to someone who gets my deal has taken all the guessing-games out of my thought process. ?

    Very specific late-ish transitioner trans feelings.

    Very specific late-ish transitioner trans feelings.

    Late-night post-breakup feelings. Healing from an emotionally painful event is difficult and all you can do is try your best to move on.

    Late-night post-breakup feelings. 

Healing from an emotionally painful event is difficult and all you can do is try your best to move on.

    Hi! My name is Julia and I'm a serial monogamist.

    Hi! My name is Julia and I'm a serial monogamist.

    boys boys boys I'm comfortable with being bi now, but WOWZA earlier in my life my gender & sexuality feelings were a big ol' swirling mess

    boys boys boys

I'm comfortable with being bi now, but WOWZA earlier in my life my gender & sexuality feelings were a big ol' swirling mess