draw him many, still not so sure about his design but guess i will stick w this #天官赐福 #师无渡 #shiwudu #水师 #水师无渡 #TianGuanCiFu

    draw him many, still not so sure about his design but guess i will stick w this
#天官赐福  #师无渡 #shiwudu #水师 #水师无渡 #TianGuanCiFu

    short story about Pei Ming x Shi Wudu. Seriously please tell me im not the only one to ship this cp @@@@ #天官赐福 #TianGuanCiFu #tgcf #shiwudu #师无渡 #水师无渡 #裴茗 #裴水 #Peiming #PeiWudu #PeiShi #PeimingShiwudu

    short story about Pei Ming x Shi Wudu. Seriously please tell me im not the only one to ship this cp @@@@

#天官赐福 #TianGuanCiFu #tgcf #shiwudu #师无渡 #水师无渡 #裴茗 #裴水 #Peiming #PeiWudu #PeiShi #PeimingShiwudu
    short story about Pei Ming x Shi Wudu. Seriously please tell me im not the only one to ship this cp @@@@

#天官赐福 #TianGuanCiFu #tgcf #shiwudu #师无渡 #水师无渡 #裴茗 #裴水 #Peiming #PeiWudu #PeiShi #PeimingShiwudu
    short story about Pei Ming x Shi Wudu. Seriously please tell me im not the only one to ship this cp @@@@

#天官赐福 #TianGuanCiFu #tgcf #shiwudu #师无渡 #水师无渡 #裴茗 #裴水 #Peiming #PeiWudu #PeiShi #PeimingShiwudu
    short story about Pei Ming x Shi Wudu. Seriously please tell me im not the only one to ship this cp @@@@

#天官赐福 #TianGuanCiFu #tgcf #shiwudu #师无渡 #水师无渡 #裴茗 #裴水 #Peiming #PeiWudu #PeiShi #PeimingShiwudu

    i don't know why but, my drawing style is quite into same face syndrome (i think so bcuz seem them expression looks quite boring OTL) but the painting / coloring style is like this today and that other day lmao

    i don't know why but, my drawing style is quite into same face syndrome (i think so bcuz seem them expression looks quite boring OTL) but the painting / coloring style is like this today and that other day lmao

    newbie/nubbie thing get lost everytim #identityV #IdentityFive #IDCEmmaWoods #EmmaWoods #Michiko #IDVMichiko #IDVGeisha #Geisha #idv

    newbie/nubbie thing
get lost everytim

#identityV #IdentityFive #IDCEmmaWoods #EmmaWoods #Michiko #IDVMichiko #IDVGeisha #Geisha #idv
    newbie/nubbie thing
get lost everytim

#identityV #IdentityFive #IDCEmmaWoods #EmmaWoods #Michiko #IDVMichiko #IDVGeisha #Geisha #idv
    newbie/nubbie thing
get lost everytim

#identityV #IdentityFive #IDCEmmaWoods #EmmaWoods #Michiko #IDVMichiko #IDVGeisha #Geisha #idv
    newbie/nubbie thing
get lost everytim

#identityV #IdentityFive #IDCEmmaWoods #EmmaWoods #Michiko #IDVMichiko #IDVGeisha #Geisha #idv

    That curly baby. . . WILL! COLOR! THIS! #权引 #墨香铜臭 #天官赐福 #权一真 #引玉

    That curly baby. . . 

#权引 #墨香铜臭 #天官赐福 #权一真 #引玉