Mr. Putt@MrPutt_

    Yesterday I was 22- today I am 23! I am invincible until I turn 28 >8V So for my birthday- I wanted to try this out ? mutuals only please!

    Yesterday I was 22- today I am 23! I am invincible until I turn 28 >8V
So for my birthday- I wanted to try this out ? mutuals only please!
    Mr. Putt@MrPutt_

    they got, the same gorlfriend and they both lob her very much #muscular #TheyreBothVeryDumb

    they got, the same gorlfriend and they both lob her very much
#muscular #TheyreBothVeryDumb
    they got, the same gorlfriend and they both lob her very much
#muscular #TheyreBothVeryDumb
    Mr. Putt@MrPutt_

    Your fingers are next.

    Your fingers are next.
    Your fingers are next.
    Mr. Putt@MrPutt_

    Okay, just hear me out- ??

    Okay, just hear me out-

    Okay, just hear me out-

    Okay, just hear me out-

    Mr. Putt@MrPutt_

    He's both the monster and the scientist ??

    He's both the monster and the scientist ??
    He's both the monster and the scientist ??