Mr. Putt@MrPutt_

    Its only a crack ship but I still love it- ; [] ; My GF's team skull grunt Dusty (hair up) and my grunt Swept (Hair back) They're broyfriends. bro's who are best of friends.

    Its only a crack ship but I still love it- ; [] ; 
My GF's team skull grunt Dusty (hair up) and my grunt Swept (Hair back) 
They're broyfriends.
bro's who are best of friends.
    Its only a crack ship but I still love it- ; [] ; 
My GF's team skull grunt Dusty (hair up) and my grunt Swept (Hair back) 
They're broyfriends.
bro's who are best of friends.
    Its only a crack ship but I still love it- ; [] ; 
My GF's team skull grunt Dusty (hair up) and my grunt Swept (Hair back) 
They're broyfriends.
bro's who are best of friends.
    Mr. Putt@MrPutt_

    My fairy type gym leader trying to relax on his vacation. Don't think he won't body slam a child going through a self existential crisis. #pokemon #skullgrunt #pokesona

    My fairy type gym leader trying to relax on his vacation. Don't think he won't body slam a child going through a self existential crisis. 

    My fairy type gym leader trying to relax on his vacation. Don't think he won't body slam a child going through a self existential crisis. 

    My fairy type gym leader trying to relax on his vacation. Don't think he won't body slam a child going through a self existential crisis. 

    My fairy type gym leader trying to relax on his vacation. Don't think he won't body slam a child going through a self existential crisis. 

    Mr. Putt@MrPutt_

    More monster boys for #SeductiveSunday please.

    More monster boys for #SeductiveSunday please.
    More monster boys for #SeductiveSunday please.
    More monster boys for #SeductiveSunday please.
    More monster boys for #SeductiveSunday please.
    Mr. Putt@MrPutt_

    Traditional sketch request for @MikeyDaHybrid48 ! Hope you like it! I should of brought more than just a mechanical pencil ksnsala-

    Traditional sketch request for @MikeyDaHybrid48 !
Hope you like it! I should of brought more than just a mechanical pencil ksnsala-
    Mr. Putt@MrPutt_

    Still out on my trip- I went to a pretty affordable art store and got myself a bigger sketch book! My neck hurts so its causing me a headache ;-; but I wanted to doodle a design I had in my head for a bit..

    Still out on my trip- I went to a pretty affordable art store and got myself a bigger sketch book! My neck hurts so its causing me a headache ;-; but I wanted to doodle a design I had in my head for a bit..