
    Personal headcanons of some eras we didn't see (yet??) #GoodOmens

    Personal headcanons of some eras we didn't see (yet??) #GoodOmens
    Personal headcanons of some eras we didn't see (yet??) #GoodOmens

    The rag doll part had me wheezing #GoodOmens

    The rag doll part had me wheezing  #GoodOmens
    The rag doll part had me wheezing  #GoodOmens

    Oh hi Révolution Aziraphale! Can you please teach us some stuff about the country of « Human's Rights » ????

    Oh hi Révolution Aziraphale! Can you please teach us some stuff about the country of « Human's Rights » ????

    It's bigger on the inside (More Time Lord Aziraphale bc I can't stop

    It's bigger on the inside 
(More Time Lord Aziraphale bc I can't stop
    It's bigger on the inside 
(More Time Lord Aziraphale bc I can't stop

    Angels or demons can't be sick like us but they can feel unwell for many reasons. When it happens to Crowley, they shrink and become very small🧍 When Az realised that, he started to take care of them. Mainly by keeping the demon in his pocket until they feel better. #GoodOmens

    Angels or demons can't be sick like us but they can feel unwell for many reasons. When it happens to Crowley, they shrink and become very small🧍
When Az realised that, he started to take care of them. Mainly by keeping the demon in his pocket until they feel better.