"The way this white dwarf was born is also unusual. It is the product of a binary star system in which 2 stars orbit each other. These 2 stars separately evolved into white dwarfs at the end of their life cycles, then spiraled toward one another and merged into a single entity." https://t.co/C4LGcothGi
your favorite characters are a reflection of your personality https://t.co/giH9qwbodq
The sketch The finished piece
tatted/pierced atsumu is my only agenda https://t.co/UZrXUDjnrc
otanjoubi omidetou - part 4/? #sakuatsu #haikyuufanart #otanjoubiomidetou
MILD ANGST. it's very, very minor. (sorry sakusa) otanjoubi omidetou - part 3.5/? #sakuatsu #haikyuufanart #otanjoubiomidetou
#drawingwithADHD literally only found out like 4 months ago so i'm learning how to deal with it 🌚✨ it's been wild realizing my insomniac obsessions weren't just manic fixations lmao (see below pieces that i excessively toiled over. can't even see the details i toiled over...)
i'm only it posting this because it's long uncropped sakuatsu
i redrew sakusa in this chaotic sakuatsu panel because i wanted a dumb looking icon