from a wonky drunky sketch to a gorgeous paint by the brilliant Alex Konstand @KonstadAlex #MayaAndTheThree

    from a wonky drunky sketch to a gorgeous paint by the brilliant Alex Konstand @KonstadAlex 
    from a wonky drunky sketch to a gorgeous paint by the brilliant Alex Konstand @KonstadAlex 

    found some amazing #MayaAndTheThree doodles by the muse

    found some amazing #MayaAndTheThree doodles by the muse

    Diego Rivera caricatures by Miguel Covarrubias

    Diego Rivera caricatures by Miguel Covarrubias
    Diego Rivera caricatures by Miguel Covarrubias
    Diego Rivera caricatures by Miguel Covarrubias
    Diego Rivera caricatures by Miguel Covarrubias

    Found some early designs from an old portfolio. Back then character design was my full time job while I wrote freelance scripts and tried getting our pilots going on the side. All done in Flash which I had to teach myself. #frederator #TheBuzzOnMaggie #ChalkZone #MuchaLucha

    Found some early designs from an old portfolio. Back then character design was my full time job while I wrote freelance scripts and tried getting our pilots going on the side. All done in Flash which I had to teach myself.
#frederator #TheBuzzOnMaggie #ChalkZone #MuchaLucha
    Found some early designs from an old portfolio. Back then character design was my full time job while I wrote freelance scripts and tried getting our pilots going on the side. All done in Flash which I had to teach myself.
#frederator #TheBuzzOnMaggie #ChalkZone #MuchaLucha
    Found some early designs from an old portfolio. Back then character design was my full time job while I wrote freelance scripts and tried getting our pilots going on the side. All done in Flash which I had to teach myself.
#frederator #TheBuzzOnMaggie #ChalkZone #MuchaLucha
    Found some early designs from an old portfolio. Back then character design was my full time job while I wrote freelance scripts and tried getting our pilots going on the side. All done in Flash which I had to teach myself.
#frederator #TheBuzzOnMaggie #ChalkZone #MuchaLucha

    As we start gathering stuff for the El Tigre art of book I found a bunch of great Fred Osmond character layouts for the pilot!

    As we start gathering stuff for the El Tigre art of book I found a bunch of great Fred Osmond character layouts for the pilot!
    As we start gathering stuff for the El Tigre art of book I found a bunch of great Fred Osmond character layouts for the pilot!
    As we start gathering stuff for the El Tigre art of book I found a bunch of great Fred Osmond character layouts for the pilot!