
    @fueledbykaiba true but it builds up to this scene i feel like this is such a good set up for mokuba to be more then just kind of a scummy lackey for his brother ?

    @fueledbykaiba true but it builds up to this scene i feel like this is such a good set up for mokuba to be more then just kind of a scummy lackey for his brother ?
    @fueledbykaiba true but it builds up to this scene i feel like this is such a good set up for mokuba to be more then just kind of a scummy lackey for his brother ?
    @fueledbykaiba true but it builds up to this scene i feel like this is such a good set up for mokuba to be more then just kind of a scummy lackey for his brother ?
    @fueledbykaiba true but it builds up to this scene i feel like this is such a good set up for mokuba to be more then just kind of a scummy lackey for his brother ?



    sometimes yugioh is good sometimes it's yo-yo street gangs

    sometimes yugioh is good sometimes it's yo-yo street gangs
    sometimes yugioh is good sometimes it's yo-yo street gangs
    sometimes yugioh is good sometimes it's yo-yo street gangs



    this is so dumb it's the best

    this is so dumb it's the best
    this is so dumb it's the best