
    seto kaiba voice: mom says its my turn on the xbox

    seto kaiba voice: mom says its my turn on the xbox

    wow yugioh r bringing back all the beloved yugioh characters even my favorite: kaiba's suitcase

    wow yugioh r bringing back all the beloved yugioh characters even my favorite: kaiba's suitcase

    this. this is really fucking dumb.

    this. this is really fucking dumb.

    oh. ok. sure.

    oh. ok. sure.
    oh. ok. sure.

    yeah get out of here you old, senile... *looks up bandit keith's age* ....26 year old

    yeah get out of here you old, senile...
*looks up bandit keith's age*
....26 year old
    yeah get out of here you old, senile...
*looks up bandit keith's age*
....26 year old