The Lighthouse original artwork ink, 30x45cm on 40x50cm claybord

    The Lighthouse 

original artwork
ink, 30x45cm on 40x50cm claybord

    final poster

    final poster

    it's not very exciting! lots of adjusting levels, using masks to darken/lighten some areas, cleaning up stray pencil lines i couldn't erase, using multiply/screen layers to add depth.. that sort of thing! here's a raw scan vs final example

    it's not very exciting! lots of adjusting levels, using masks to darken/lighten some areas, cleaning up stray pencil lines i couldn't erase, using multiply/screen layers to add depth.. that sort of thing! 
here's a raw scan vs final example
    it's not very exciting! lots of adjusting levels, using masks to darken/lighten some areas, cleaning up stray pencil lines i couldn't erase, using multiply/screen layers to add depth.. that sort of thing! 
here's a raw scan vs final example

    sketch 🦇 final

    sketch 🦇 final
    sketch 🦇 final

    listed a few new large originals for sale! if you are interested or want more info, you can email me: contact at nicolasdelort dot com

    listed a few new large originals for sale! 
if you are interested or want more info, you can email me: contact at nicolasdelort dot com