
    Preview of my contribution to @lightgreyartlab's World Roulette, an exhibition that you can check out now✨ and amazing Kickstarter project you can support here:✨?

    Preview of my contribution to @lightgreyartlab's World Roulette, an exhibition that you can check out now✨ and amazing Kickstarter project you can support here:✨?
    Preview of my contribution to @lightgreyartlab's World Roulette, an exhibition that you can check out now✨ and amazing Kickstarter project you can support here:✨?
    Preview of my contribution to @lightgreyartlab's World Roulette, an exhibition that you can check out now✨ and amazing Kickstarter project you can support here:✨?

    ~Xareni~ It is puppy Xareni's birthday. Eager to learn the family legacy of goat herding, she finds herself on a treacherous journey into the enchanted forest to find the baby goat she lost! #LatinxPitch #GN #YoungReaders #Editor #Agented #AuthorIllustrator


It is puppy Xareni's birthday. Eager to learn the family legacy of goat herding, she finds herself on a treacherous journey into the enchanted forest to find the baby goat she lost!

#LatinxPitch #GN #YoungReaders #Editor #Agented #AuthorIllustrator

It is puppy Xareni's birthday. Eager to learn the family legacy of goat herding, she finds herself on a treacherous journey into the enchanted forest to find the baby goat she lost!

#LatinxPitch #GN #YoungReaders #Editor #Agented #AuthorIllustrator

It is puppy Xareni's birthday. Eager to learn the family legacy of goat herding, she finds herself on a treacherous journey into the enchanted forest to find the baby goat she lost!

#LatinxPitch #GN #YoungReaders #Editor #Agented #AuthorIllustrator

It is puppy Xareni's birthday. Eager to learn the family legacy of goat herding, she finds herself on a treacherous journey into the enchanted forest to find the baby goat she lost!

#LatinxPitch #GN #YoungReaders #Editor #Agented #AuthorIllustrator

