Notes? 19 sessions into the game? More likely than you think! Curse of Strahd DM'ed by @ConAffettoKiko Players @merulanoir @dreadelion @kooks000 @TamsRandomArt & me (*'▽`*)

    Notes? 19 sessions into the game? More likely than you think!

Curse of Strahd DM'ed by @ConAffettoKiko 
Players @merulanoir @dreadelion @kooks000 @TamsRandomArt & me (*'▽`*)
    Notes? 19 sessions into the game? More likely than you think!

Curse of Strahd DM'ed by @ConAffettoKiko 
Players @merulanoir @dreadelion @kooks000 @TamsRandomArt & me (*'▽`*)
    Notes? 19 sessions into the game? More likely than you think!

Curse of Strahd DM'ed by @ConAffettoKiko 
Players @merulanoir @dreadelion @kooks000 @TamsRandomArt & me (*'▽`*)
    Notes? 19 sessions into the game? More likely than you think!

Curse of Strahd DM'ed by @ConAffettoKiko 
Players @merulanoir @dreadelion @kooks000 @TamsRandomArt & me (*'▽`*)

    Also!!! I made y'all two new Good Omens sticker sheets out of stuff I've drawn previously!! Pre-orders end Sept 13, 2020

    Also!!! I made y'all two new Good Omens sticker sheets out of stuff I've drawn previously!! Pre-orders end Sept 13, 2020

    living in my head rent free >:V Also what if he turns his big shirts into crop tops #AllMight

    living in my head rent free >:V

Also what if he turns his big shirts into crop tops
    living in my head rent free >:V

Also what if he turns his big shirts into crop tops

    there are two shrimps inside me and both of them are starved enough for serotonin that they just Go For whatever interests me at the moment 8) interest check to see whether I need to get like... notebooks made for more people other than myself

    there are two shrimps inside me and both of them are starved enough for serotonin that they just Go For whatever interests me at the moment 8)

interest check to see whether I need to get like... notebooks made for more people other than myself



