English version OvO)/ It's been a year since the previous Onmyoji sketch comic ...The random story of my fluffy-stuff-loving Ichimoku Ren and can't-make-a-move-Susabi continues XD *I think I'll make a moment for all previous parts.. #荒連

    English version OvO)/

It's been a year since the previous Onmyoji sketch comic ...The random story of my fluffy-stuff-loving Ichimoku Ren and can't-make-a-move-Susabi continues XD

*I think I'll make a moment for all previous parts.. 
    English version OvO)/

It's been a year since the previous Onmyoji sketch comic ...The random story of my fluffy-stuff-loving Ichimoku Ren and can't-make-a-move-Susabi continues XD

*I think I'll make a moment for all previous parts.. 
    English version OvO)/

It's been a year since the previous Onmyoji sketch comic ...The random story of my fluffy-stuff-loving Ichimoku Ren and can't-make-a-move-Susabi continues XD

*I think I'll make a moment for all previous parts.. 
    English version OvO)/

It's been a year since the previous Onmyoji sketch comic ...The random story of my fluffy-stuff-loving Ichimoku Ren and can't-make-a-move-Susabi continues XD

*I think I'll make a moment for all previous parts.. 

    *for my SusaRen fluffy adventure(?) Moment--- This was done back in 2018 summer during the Inuyasha collaboration event... Sesshomaru shards dropped SUPER rarely for me. I suspected Susabi had something to do with it :U #雙龍組

    *for my SusaRen fluffy adventure(?) Moment---
This was done back in 2018 summer during the Inuyasha collaboration event... Sesshomaru shards dropped SUPER rarely for me.  I suspected Susabi had something to do with it  :U


    忘了同時放上中文版 Orz 2018年的 #雙龍組

    忘了同時放上中文版 Orz

2018年的 #雙龍組

    *continue with my old SusaRen stuff from tumblr so I can organize a Moment. This was from 2018 ^^ 犬 大好き╭(♡・ㅂ・)و *Characters from Onmyoji game by NetEase *Sesshomaru from Inuyasha by Takahashi Rumiko #陰陽師 #雙龍組 #荒連

    *continue with my old SusaRen stuff from tumblr so I can organize a Moment. This was from 2018 ^^

犬  大好き╭(♡・ㅂ・)و

*Characters from Onmyoji game by NetEase
*Sesshomaru from Inuyasha by Takahashi Rumiko

#陰陽師 #雙龍組 #荒連
    *continue with my old SusaRen stuff from tumblr so I can organize a Moment. This was from 2018 ^^

犬  大好き╭(♡・ㅂ・)و

*Characters from Onmyoji game by NetEase
*Sesshomaru from Inuyasha by Takahashi Rumiko

#陰陽師 #雙龍組 #荒連
    *continue with my old SusaRen stuff from tumblr so I can organize a Moment. This was from 2018 ^^

犬  大好き╭(♡・ㅂ・)و

*Characters from Onmyoji game by NetEase
*Sesshomaru from Inuyasha by Takahashi Rumiko

#陰陽師 #雙龍組 #荒連
    *continue with my old SusaRen stuff from tumblr so I can organize a Moment. This was from 2018 ^^

犬  大好き╭(♡・ㅂ・)و

*Characters from Onmyoji game by NetEase
*Sesshomaru from Inuyasha by Takahashi Rumiko

#陰陽師 #雙龍組 #荒連

    中文版 OvO)/ *從tumblr搬運2018的舊圖ing... #陰陽師 #雙龍組 #荒連

    中文版 OvO)/  


#陰陽師 #雙龍組 #荒連
    中文版 OvO)/  


#陰陽師 #雙龍組 #荒連
    中文版 OvO)/  


#陰陽師 #雙龍組 #荒連
    中文版 OvO)/  


#陰陽師 #雙龍組 #荒連

