四月一日 某紅衣人士跟一隻虎 私下買通兩名鬼卒 給他們一個重要任務 ... 結果因為一個不夠在乎 一個在乎太多 兩邊都任務失敗 =3=

    四月一日 某紅衣人士跟一隻虎 私下買通兩名鬼卒 給他們一個重要任務 ...

結果因為一個不夠在乎 一個在乎太多 
兩邊都任務失敗  =3=
    四月一日 某紅衣人士跟一隻虎 私下買通兩名鬼卒 給他們一個重要任務 ...

結果因為一個不夠在乎 一個在乎太多 
兩邊都任務失敗  =3=

    #MDZS #MoXuanYu original underworld story comic update~ *couldn't draw since Friday... good thing I finished pages in advance so I can still update =u=+ hey hey hey~ 莫玄羽 腦補故事 地府篇 中文版(lofter): https://t.co/nCxxcqKNFY

    #MDZS #MoXuanYu original underworld story 
comic update~ 

*couldn't draw since Friday... good thing I finished pages in advance so I can still update =u=+ hey hey hey~

莫玄羽 腦補故事 地府篇 中文版(lofter):
    #MDZS #MoXuanYu original underworld story 
comic update~ 

*couldn't draw since Friday... good thing I finished pages in advance so I can still update =u=+ hey hey hey~

莫玄羽 腦補故事 地府篇 中文版(lofter):
    #MDZS #MoXuanYu original underworld story 
comic update~ 

*couldn't draw since Friday... good thing I finished pages in advance so I can still update =u=+ hey hey hey~

莫玄羽 腦補故事 地府篇 中文版(lofter):
    #MDZS #MoXuanYu original underworld story 
comic update~ 

*couldn't draw since Friday... good thing I finished pages in advance so I can still update =u=+ hey hey hey~

莫玄羽 腦補故事 地府篇 中文版(lofter):

    Once upon a time, my aunt bought me a set of artbook saying "The cover had a cute girl like the ones you draw. I thought you'd like this." ....

    Once upon a time, my aunt bought me a set of artbook saying "The cover had a cute girl like the ones you draw. I thought you'd like this." 
    Once upon a time, my aunt bought me a set of artbook saying "The cover had a cute girl like the ones you draw. I thought you'd like this." 

    This little bit from my Tsuyoshi fan comic because of KinKi Kids new song--- ✨KANZAI BOYA!!! *....I still want to get back to this old fan comic one day _(:з」∠)_

    This little bit from my Tsuyoshi fan comic because of KinKi Kids new song--- ✨KANZAI BOYA!!!

*....I still want to get back to this old fan comic one day 

    XX表情練習系列 來自一臉正經 認真好學的我 (。ŏ_ŏ) Here they are finally. I practiced. For research purpose (。ŏ_ŏ) I sketched these seriously with a straight face, even though none of them were straight (‾へ‾) humph *p1 is my SQQ. #svsss #mdzs #TGCF

    XX表情練習系列 來自一臉正經 認真好學的我 (。ŏ_ŏ)

Here they are finally. I practiced. For research purpose (。ŏ_ŏ)  I sketched these seriously with a straight face, even though none of them were straight (‾へ‾) humph 

*p1 is my SQQ.  
#svsss #mdzs #TGCF
    XX表情練習系列 來自一臉正經 認真好學的我 (。ŏ_ŏ)

Here they are finally. I practiced. For research purpose (。ŏ_ŏ)  I sketched these seriously with a straight face, even though none of them were straight (‾へ‾) humph 

*p1 is my SQQ.  
#svsss #mdzs #TGCF
    XX表情練習系列 來自一臉正經 認真好學的我 (。ŏ_ŏ)

Here they are finally. I practiced. For research purpose (。ŏ_ŏ)  I sketched these seriously with a straight face, even though none of them were straight (‾へ‾) humph 

*p1 is my SQQ.  
#svsss #mdzs #TGCF
    XX表情練習系列 來自一臉正經 認真好學的我 (。ŏ_ŏ)

Here they are finally. I practiced. For research purpose (。ŏ_ŏ)  I sketched these seriously with a straight face, even though none of them were straight (‾へ‾) humph 

*p1 is my SQQ.  
#svsss #mdzs #TGCF

