A sketch commission inside my art book, "IF..". https://t.co/OnBPpDgOKZ #artbooks #sketches #thomasperkins #characterdesigner #penandink #commission #sketchcommission

    A sketch commission inside my art book, "IF..". 

#artbooks #sketches #thomasperkins #characterdesigner #penandink #commission #sketchcommission

    Hey Kids, It's an #alternateuniverse #comics #flashback. Thrill once again to the high adventures of The Great Old Ones! It's the adventures of #KidKthulu! #thomasperkins #characterdesigner #lovecraftian

    Hey Kids, It's an #alternateuniverse #comics #flashback. Thrill once again to the high adventures of The Great Old Ones! It's the adventures of #KidKthulu!
#thomasperkins #characterdesigner #lovecraftian
    Hey Kids, It's an #alternateuniverse #comics #flashback. Thrill once again to the high adventures of The Great Old Ones! It's the adventures of #KidKthulu!
#thomasperkins #characterdesigner #lovecraftian
    Hey Kids, It's an #alternateuniverse #comics #flashback. Thrill once again to the high adventures of The Great Old Ones! It's the adventures of #KidKthulu!
#thomasperkins #characterdesigner #lovecraftian
    Hey Kids, It's an #alternateuniverse #comics #flashback. Thrill once again to the high adventures of The Great Old Ones! It's the adventures of #KidKthulu!
#thomasperkins #characterdesigner #lovecraftian

    Here is my first #sketchbook "The Art of Thomas N. Perkins IV". This book features a 64 page collection of #creatures, #aliens, #robots and #superfolks from odd worlds that reside in my noggin. https://t.co/Z9t5QtvQhW #characterdesigner #artbook #tnperkins4 #thomasperkins

    Here is my first #sketchbook "The Art of Thomas N. Perkins IV". This book features a 64 page collection of #creatures, #aliens, #robots and #superfolks from odd worlds that reside in my noggin. 


#characterdesigner #artbook #tnperkins4 #thomasperkins

    #flashback: TMNT (2007) - character development #thomasperkins #characterdesigner #tmnt2007 #gargoyles #tnperkins4

    #flashback: TMNT (2007) - character development
#thomasperkins #characterdesigner #tmnt2007 #gargoyles #tnperkins4

    A little #fanart dorkiness I drew a while back for the good folks at @MajorSpoilers, one of my all time favorites podcasts If you folks dig #comics, #animation, and #popculture, go check them out. Their podcast is sharp, well produced & a lot of fun. #coolpodcasts #thomasperkins

    A little #fanart dorkiness I drew a while back for the good folks at @MajorSpoilers, one of my all time favorites podcasts If you folks dig #comics, #animation, and #popculture, go check them out. Their podcast is sharp, well produced & a lot of fun.
#coolpodcasts #thomasperkins

