delta 🍉@peachdelta

    im just gonna post the most insane ones in one post 1. seph became convinced the architect and jenova were the same, so 2. sephiroth got a blade and it's like when you force a class of teenagers to take care of an egg to make them learn childcare or whatever. weird blade kid

    im just gonna post the most insane ones in one post

1. seph became convinced the architect and jenova were the same, so

2. sephiroth got a blade and it's like when you force a class of teenagers to take care of an egg to make them learn childcare or whatever. weird blade kid
    im just gonna post the most insane ones in one post

1. seph became convinced the architect and jenova were the same, so

2. sephiroth got a blade and it's like when you force a class of teenagers to take care of an egg to make them learn childcare or whatever. weird blade kid
    delta 🍉@peachdelta
    delta 🍉@peachdelta

    sephiroth ran into the xbc group (minus shulk and melia) and they absolutely had no idea who he is unfortunately

    sephiroth ran into the xbc group (minus shulk and melia) and they absolutely had no idea who he is unfortunately
    delta 🍉@peachdelta

    bitches be like . possessed !!!!!

    bitches be like . possessed !!!!!
    delta 🍉@peachdelta
