Trying Again@tenderlytony

    If you're digging this consider following or checking out my so's twitter, they do hella good arts and have wisdom beyond me @Sunnymonkeyfae

    If you're digging this consider following or checking out my so's twitter, they do hella good arts and have wisdom beyond me @Sunnymonkeyfae
    Trying Again@tenderlytony

    Doodled Thallan and Screamer during dinner time with @thatdamnedbeast #dnd #tiefling #elf

    Doodled Thallan and Screamer during dinner time with @thatdamnedbeast #dnd #tiefling #elf
    Trying Again@tenderlytony

    Guys I'm so torn between John-boys designs I just made a new char out of one and slapped a nametag on em LOL new twin brother

    Guys I'm so torn between John-boys designs I just made a new char out of one and slapped a nametag on em LOL new twin brother

