I practice recently a lot to get my proportions correct with very messy, fast drawings. I slowly get better at it. Ofc it has issues but I got it done in about two minutes or so and no transform tool or anything like that. I hope I'm able to improve even more with that exercise^^

    I practice recently a lot to get my proportions correct with very messy, fast drawings.
I slowly get better at it.
Ofc it has issues but I got it done in about two minutes or so and no transform tool or anything like that.
I hope I'm able to improve even more with that exercise^^

    though if i would've been allowed to use the transform tool, I should've drawn the arm way shorter for that angle haha more like that

    though if i would've been allowed to use the transform tool, I should've drawn the arm way shorter for that angle haha more like that

    waited for a meeting to start and had a couple free minutes lol no idea what it is but it exists now

    waited for a meeting to start and had a couple free minutes lol no idea what it is but it exists now

    one of the impact frames tells the truth...actually wanted to break the toaster but then I thought I seriously don't handle my time well here haha that's a quick warmup thing you have real work to do as well 😂

    one of the impact frames tells the truth...actually wanted to break the toaster but then I thought I seriously don't handle my time well here haha that's a quick warmup thing you have real work to do as well 😂

    another quick sketch ^^

    another quick sketch ^^