Some creature VenZhong. Barbatos tries to seduce Morax with mint! (Dragons like mint as much as cats. Probably.)

    Some creature VenZhong. Barbatos tries to seduce  Morax with mint! (Dragons like mint as much as cats. Probably.)
    Some creature VenZhong. Barbatos tries to seduce  Morax with mint! (Dragons like mint as much as cats. Probably.)

    The last story quest was so good....

    The last story quest was so good....
    The last story quest was so good....
    The last story quest was so good....

    Silly VenZhong doodle comic.. for the puns. Also Rex Lapin.

    Silly VenZhong doodle comic.. for the puns. Also Rex Lapin.
    Silly VenZhong doodle comic.. for the puns. Also Rex Lapin.

    DilucZhongli/ChiLi? Zhongli reels in another rich red head to take of his money woes. (I used guidelines to try and make the bg comprehensible but it still looks janky oh well)

    DilucZhongli/ChiLi? Zhongli reels in another rich red head to take of his money woes.
(I used guidelines to try and make the bg comprehensible but it still looks janky oh well)
    DilucZhongli/ChiLi? Zhongli reels in another rich red head to take of his money woes.
(I used guidelines to try and make the bg comprehensible but it still looks janky oh well)
    DilucZhongli/ChiLi? Zhongli reels in another rich red head to take of his money woes.
(I used guidelines to try and make the bg comprehensible but it still looks janky oh well)

    Ho ho! I beat Dvalin for the 3rd time today! And I only fell off the platform 3-4 times and only Diona died...

    Ho ho! I beat Dvalin for the 3rd time today! And I only fell off the platform 3-4 times and only Diona died...

