Genshin spoilers? 🙏sry couldnt help myself HaiZhong... The thing I thought about is Geo slimes having little clovers on them so.... Just a certain Sumeru scholar tilling the fertile lands of Liyue.🌱🔸 (IDK whats going on with the headphones? aHTM got on so I didnt try.)

    Genshin spoilers? 🙏sry couldnt help myself
HaiZhong... The thing I thought about is Geo slimes having little clovers on them so....
Just a certain Sumeru scholar tilling the fertile lands of Liyue.🌱🔸
(IDK whats going on with the headphones? aHTM got on so I didnt try.)

    I finished my weekly bosses. I was very confident that if I got close to RS, her big attack wouldnt kill me. XQ found out the hard way thats not how it works at all. I guess Ei really did just want ZLs attention last week. Anyways they gave me trash but at least it was something!

    I finished my weekly bosses. I was very confident that if I got close to RS, her big attack wouldnt kill me. XQ found out the hard way thats not how it works at all. I guess Ei really did just want ZLs attention last week.
Anyways they gave me trash but at least it was something!

    Some MoXin!🌟🎸 I'll have to fix things later because I dont have good refs for Monas new look & dont feel like signing back on tonight.. But I wanted to draw RockStar! ITT Mona cant handle Xinyans earnest sweetness. Do your best Mona!

    Some MoXin!🌟🎸 I'll have to fix things later because I dont have good refs for Monas new look & dont feel like signing back on tonight.. But I wanted to draw RockStar!
ITT Mona cant handle Xinyans earnest sweetness. Do your best Mona!

    Would Zhongli get a title specific to Sumeru? Xiansheng, Sensei, Mr(/Herr <-- could be)... ((since Sumeru is so messy with refs maybe not.))

    Would Zhongli get a title specific to Sumeru? Xiansheng, Sensei, Mr(/Herr <-- could be)... 

((since Sumeru is so messy with refs maybe not.))

    Morax created Mora so he could buy stuff that he liked-> Mora becomes popular cuz the world is Morax simps-> Pantalone hoards Mora in Snezhnaya's bank-> Childe takes Mora from bank so Zhongli(Morax) can buy more stuff that he liked. These are big brain plays from the sugarbabiest

    Morax created Mora so he could buy stuff that he liked-> Mora becomes popular cuz the world is Morax simps-> Pantalone hoards Mora in Snezhnaya's bank-> Childe takes Mora from bank so Zhongli(Morax) can buy more stuff that he liked.
These are big brain plays from the sugarbabiest

