Every once in awhile VenZhong pretends theyre not married and Venti has to try and win Zhonglis hand in marriage from whoever is taking care of him at the time. If he fails they just run off together to enjoy their forbidden romance anyways. //baseless

    Every once in awhile VenZhong pretends theyre not married and Venti has to try and win Zhonglis hand in marriage from whoever is taking care of him at the time. If he fails they just run off together to enjoy their forbidden romance anyways.

    We got ZL symbols in the Eagle domain & Luc saying hed wanna be crushed by a meteorite. I get it HYV... Ill ship DiZhong. Calm down... Im picking up what youre putting down.

    We got ZL symbols in the Eagle domain & Luc saying hed wanna be crushed by a meteorite. I get it HYV... Ill ship DiZhong. Calm down... Im picking up what youre putting down.

    Just some silly Albyno... Albedo gives his new friends gifts to celebrate the holiday. Cyno likes cards right?

    Just some silly Albyno...
Albedo gives his new friends gifts to celebrate the holiday. Cyno likes cards right?

    Damn I cant believe how easily my Yaoyao, Alhaitham, Fish, Zhongli team mops the floor with Andrius, Childe, Azhdaha, & Signora... I havent tried with Scara cuz hes annoying to fight & Ei moves around too damn much but everyone else... hot knife through butter.

    Damn I cant believe how easily my Yaoyao, Alhaitham, Fish, Zhongli team mops the floor with Andrius, Childe, Azhdaha, & Signora... I havent tried with Scara cuz hes annoying to fight & Ei moves around too damn much but everyone else... hot knife through butter.

    Ah yes some PKMN WIPS.

    Ah yes some PKMN WIPS.
    Ah yes some PKMN WIPS.
    Ah yes some PKMN WIPS.
    Ah yes some PKMN WIPS.


