NO WHYS MY SON SO BIG NOW?! He grew too fast Im not ready for an empty nest... BERRYPUFF!

    NO WHYS MY SON SO BIG NOW?! He grew too fast Im not ready for an empty nest... BERRYPUFF!
    NO WHYS MY SON SO BIG NOW?! He grew too fast Im not ready for an empty nest... BERRYPUFF!

    This event is reminding me of a little doodle I made awhile back thinking itd be sad/cute for Morax to have a human soldier for a lover. I feel you little water baby Calli.

    This event is reminding me of a little doodle I made awhile back thinking itd be sad/cute for Morax to have a human soldier for a lover. I feel you little water baby Calli.


    Do your best Urville.

    Do your best Urville.
    Do your best Urville.

    Unpopular opinion (probably) but I woulda killed for that bald version of the lion dance boy. Just go with a warm color palette version of the stubby tail versions outfit and im GAGGED.

    Unpopular opinion (probably) but I woulda killed for that bald version of the lion dance boy. Just go with a warm color palette version of the stubby tail versions outfit and im GAGGED.

