Luchie 🍳@heyluchie

    Having a normal one

    Having a normal one
    Luchie 🍳@heyluchie

    I don't even remember drawing some of these. Especially the ones that didn't make the cut for my book

    I don't even remember drawing some of these. Especially the ones that didn't make the cut for my book
    I don't even remember drawing some of these. Especially the ones that didn't make the cut for my book
    Luchie 🍳@heyluchie

    Luchie 🍳@heyluchie

    Last ones, from last year!! I still really like those. I haven't drawn much diary comics this year due to, you know *gestures at général world* but one I'll be in the mood again, I will ? Thanks for reading (or re-reading!)

    Last ones, from last year!! I still really like those.
I haven't drawn much diary comics this year due to, you know *gestures at général world* but one I'll be in the mood again, I will ?
Thanks for reading (or re-reading!)
    Last ones, from last year!! I still really like those.
I haven't drawn much diary comics this year due to, you know *gestures at général world* but one I'll be in the mood again, I will ?
Thanks for reading (or re-reading!)
    Luchie 🍳@heyluchie

    Some inks ?

    Some inks ?