Josh the Boy King@striderepiphany


    Josh the Boy King@striderepiphany

    I use art to work out complicated personal feelings anyways here's me with a babby

    I use art to work out complicated personal feelings anyways here's me with a babby
    I use art to work out complicated personal feelings anyways here's me with a babby
    I use art to work out complicated personal feelings anyways here's me with a babby
    Josh the Boy King@striderepiphany

    You will look at Him

    You will look at Him
    Josh the Boy King@striderepiphany

    I made a visionboard! Times are tough, self actualize ur dreams and shit

    I made a visionboard! Times are tough, self actualize ur dreams and shit
    I made a visionboard! Times are tough, self actualize ur dreams and shit
    I made a visionboard! Times are tough, self actualize ur dreams and shit
    I made a visionboard! Times are tough, self actualize ur dreams and shit
    Josh the Boy King@striderepiphany

    The first prompt for serirei week is "sharing" and inspiration struck me like lightning...... I was gonna wait till the actual event in June to post this but it was too good not to share

    The first prompt for serirei week is "sharing" and inspiration struck me like lightning...... I was gonna wait till the actual event in June to post this but it was too good not to share