Just a ramble but I was insecure as a kid when somebody told me I had a built body cuz of the wide shoulder but now I know it was gods plan to make me look gayer and I thank them everyday.

    Just a ramble but I was insecure as a kid when somebody told me I had a built body cuz of the wide shoulder but now I know it was gods plan to make me look gayer and I thank them everyday.

    More doodles of Mario Geno college AU. Idea with @mochatricks And they were roommates.

    More doodles of Mario Geno college AU. Idea with @mochatricks 
And they were roommates.
    More doodles of Mario Geno college AU. Idea with @mochatricks 
And they were roommates.
    More doodles of Mario Geno college AU. Idea with @mochatricks 
And they were roommates.

    "Your Mr.L is showing" Luigi. His quotes from Fortune Street is so aggressive, it's *chef kisses*

    "Your Mr.L is showing" Luigi. His quotes from Fortune Street is so aggressive, it's *chef kisses*

    @mochatricks Dani talked about how Geno thinks Mario is too good for him and I cried.

    @mochatricks Dani talked about how Geno thinks Mario is too good for him and I cried.
    @mochatricks Dani talked about how Geno thinks Mario is too good for him and I cried.
    @mochatricks Dani talked about how Geno thinks Mario is too good for him and I cried.
    @mochatricks Dani talked about how Geno thinks Mario is too good for him and I cried.

    I was getting ready for bed being lowkey sad I didn't draw anything today but realized I did scribble in my sketchbook so!!!!

    I was getting ready for bed being lowkey sad I didn't draw anything today but realized I did scribble in my sketchbook so!!!!
    I was getting ready for bed being lowkey sad I didn't draw anything today but realized I did scribble in my sketchbook so!!!!
    I was getting ready for bed being lowkey sad I didn't draw anything today but realized I did scribble in my sketchbook so!!!!