
    It feels like its been 50 years since I drew them

    It feels like its been 50 years since I drew them

    Marcus everytime: 🥰😊😆🫶 Cog: 😐

    Marcus everytime: 🥰😊😆🫶 Cog: 😐

    I had a hard time deciding but recently Its been Gustafa and Matthew cuz I got way too attached LOL 😭

    I had a hard time deciding but recently Its been Gustafa and Matthew cuz I got way too attached LOL 😭
    I had a hard time deciding but recently Its been Gustafa and Matthew cuz I got way too attached LOL 😭
    I had a hard time deciding but recently Its been Gustafa and Matthew cuz I got way too attached LOL 😭
    I had a hard time deciding but recently Its been Gustafa and Matthew cuz I got way too attached LOL 😭

    Damn bro who got you smiling like that!!!!!!!!

    Damn bro who got you smiling like that!!!!!!!!

    pinch pinch

    pinch pinch
    pinch pinch