【リマスタリングについて】 #陽気幽平、#岩浪成芳、#橋本将次 の漫画はマニアからお借りした貴重な本を、川勝が非破壊スキャン&修正したものです。 ベタの場所、シミ、原本の汚れ、裏写りを手作業で見やすくしております、一日中やって五日かかりました泣。こんな復刻本中々ないと思います……。

#陽気幽平、#岩浪成芳、#橋本将次 の漫画はマニアからお借りした貴重な本を、川勝が非破壊スキャン&修正したものです。
#陽気幽平、#岩浪成芳、#橋本将次 の漫画はマニアからお借りした貴重な本を、川勝が非破壊スキャン&修正したものです。
#陽気幽平、#岩浪成芳、#橋本将次 の漫画はマニアからお借りした貴重な本を、川勝が非破壊スキャン&修正したものです。
#陽気幽平、#岩浪成芳、#橋本将次 の漫画はマニアからお借りした貴重な本を、川勝が非破壊スキャン&修正したものです。

    The collection, "Modern Comic Selection 現代マンガ選集"is an anthology of Japanese Horror/Misterious/Wired comics edited by me (Tokushige Kawakatsu 川勝徳重). https://t.co/g1MSreYRgK

    The collection, "Modern Comic Selection 現代マンガ選集"is an anthology of Japanese Horror/Misterious/Wired comics edited by me (Tokushige Kawakatsu 川勝徳重).
    The collection, "Modern Comic Selection 現代マンガ選集"is an anthology of Japanese Horror/Misterious/Wired comics edited by me (Tokushige Kawakatsu 川勝徳重).
    The collection, "Modern Comic Selection 現代マンガ選集"is an anthology of Japanese Horror/Misterious/Wired comics edited by me (Tokushige Kawakatsu 川勝徳重).
    The collection, "Modern Comic Selection 現代マンガ選集"is an anthology of Japanese Horror/Misterious/Wired comics edited by me (Tokushige Kawakatsu 川勝徳重).

    2/11 Until now, this type of antology has mostly consisted of works by well-known authors works published by famous publishers. On the other hand, my collection is different.

    2/11 Until now, this type of antology has mostly consisted of works by well-known authors works published by famous publishers. On the other hand, my collection is different.
    2/11 Until now, this type of antology has mostly consisted of works by well-known authors works published by famous publishers. On the other hand, my collection is different.
    2/11 Until now, this type of antology has mostly consisted of works by well-known authors works published by famous publishers. On the other hand, my collection is different.
    2/11 Until now, this type of antology has mostly consisted of works by well-known authors works published by famous publishers. On the other hand, my collection is different.

    3/11 I have three themes, Postwar, Kamishibai , Strange animals. After Japan's defeat, full-scale horror comics was born. It often corresponds to poverty and social conditions. Although it was not possible to compile such comics…for example Masami Kuroda久呂田正三,

    3/11 I have three themes, Postwar, Kamishibai , Strange animals.
After Japan's defeat, full-scale horror comics was born.
It often corresponds to poverty and social conditions.
Although it was not possible to compile such comics…for example  Masami Kuroda久呂田正三,
    3/11 I have three themes, Postwar, Kamishibai , Strange animals.
After Japan's defeat, full-scale horror comics was born.
It often corresponds to poverty and social conditions.
Although it was not possible to compile such comics…for example  Masami Kuroda久呂田正三,
    3/11 I have three themes, Postwar, Kamishibai , Strange animals.
After Japan's defeat, full-scale horror comics was born.
It often corresponds to poverty and social conditions.
Although it was not possible to compile such comics…for example  Masami Kuroda久呂田正三,

    【蝸牛2 通販火曜まで】 怪奇マンガの同人誌『蝸牛2』の通販、一旦17日火曜までとします。お早めに! https://t.co/4eeCOccuEV 川勝は170ページの描き下ろし長編を寄稿してます。多分増刷や再録しません。

    【蝸牛2 通販火曜まで】



