
    The same is true for Satoshi Kon's ( who is an early protege of Otomo ) manga; these are from Opus. You can learn a lot about comic framing & composition from studying both Otomo and Kon's manga and storyboards - #blauereview

    The same is true for Satoshi Kon's ( who is an early protege of Otomo ) manga; these are from Opus. You can learn a lot about comic framing & composition from studying both Otomo and Kon's manga and storyboards - #blauereview
    The same is true for Satoshi Kon's ( who is an early protege of Otomo ) manga; these are from Opus. You can learn a lot about comic framing & composition from studying both Otomo and Kon's manga and storyboards - #blauereview
    The same is true for Satoshi Kon's ( who is an early protege of Otomo ) manga; these are from Opus. You can learn a lot about comic framing & composition from studying both Otomo and Kon's manga and storyboards - #blauereview
    The same is true for Satoshi Kon's ( who is an early protege of Otomo ) manga; these are from Opus. You can learn a lot about comic framing & composition from studying both Otomo and Kon's manga and storyboards - #blauereview

    I wish there was an art/making of book for the film, which is a veritable cinematic visual feast that excels in all the disciplines of film-making. The costume designs by the eminent Eiko Ishioka are showcased in her retrospective exhibition catalog -

    I wish there was an art/making of book for the film, which is a veritable cinematic visual feast that excels in all the disciplines of film-making. 
The costume designs by the eminent Eiko Ishioka are showcased in her retrospective exhibition catalog -
    I wish there was an art/making of book for the film, which is a veritable cinematic visual feast that excels in all the disciplines of film-making. 
The costume designs by the eminent Eiko Ishioka are showcased in her retrospective exhibition catalog -
    I wish there was an art/making of book for the film, which is a veritable cinematic visual feast that excels in all the disciplines of film-making. 
The costume designs by the eminent Eiko Ishioka are showcased in her retrospective exhibition catalog -
    I wish there was an art/making of book for the film, which is a veritable cinematic visual feast that excels in all the disciplines of film-making. 
The costume designs by the eminent Eiko Ishioka are showcased in her retrospective exhibition catalog -

    Also, a little known 😝illustrator by the name of Mike Mignola served as concept artist on the film; he even published a comic adaptation of the movie later on, and it's spectacular - #artbook #comic #filmmaking @artofmmignola

    Also, a little known 😝illustrator by the name of Mike Mignola served as concept artist on the film; he even published a comic adaptation of the movie later on, and it's spectacular -
#artbook #comic #filmmaking @artofmmignola
    Also, a little known 😝illustrator by the name of Mike Mignola served as concept artist on the film; he even published a comic adaptation of the movie later on, and it's spectacular -
#artbook #comic #filmmaking @artofmmignola
    Also, a little known 😝illustrator by the name of Mike Mignola served as concept artist on the film; he even published a comic adaptation of the movie later on, and it's spectacular -
#artbook #comic #filmmaking @artofmmignola
    Also, a little known 😝illustrator by the name of Mike Mignola served as concept artist on the film; he even published a comic adaptation of the movie later on, and it's spectacular -
#artbook #comic #filmmaking @artofmmignola

    One of Ghibli's most endearing images; A forlorn Kiki inside Guchokipanya Bakery. Explore more of Hayao Miyazaki's lovely storyboard drawings for the film in my book review #魔女の宅急便 #絵コンテ集- #anime #animation #宮崎駿 #スタジオジブリ #blauereview

    One of Ghibli's most endearing images; A forlorn Kiki inside Guchokipanya Bakery. Explore more of Hayao Miyazaki's lovely storyboard drawings for the film in my book review #魔女の宅急便 #絵コンテ集-
#anime #animation #宮崎駿 #スタジオジブリ #blauereview
    One of Ghibli's most endearing images; A forlorn Kiki inside Guchokipanya Bakery. Explore more of Hayao Miyazaki's lovely storyboard drawings for the film in my book review #魔女の宅急便 #絵コンテ集-
#anime #animation #宮崎駿 #スタジオジブリ #blauereview
    One of Ghibli's most endearing images; A forlorn Kiki inside Guchokipanya Bakery. Explore more of Hayao Miyazaki's lovely storyboard drawings for the film in my book review #魔女の宅急便 #絵コンテ集-
#anime #animation #宮崎駿 #スタジオジブリ #blauereview
    One of Ghibli's most endearing images; A forlorn Kiki inside Guchokipanya Bakery. Explore more of Hayao Miyazaki's lovely storyboard drawings for the film in my book review #魔女の宅急便 #絵コンテ集-
#anime #animation #宮崎駿 #スタジオジブリ #blauereview

    These vibrantly colorful & detailed watercolor illustrations that Hayao Miyazaki painted for the numerous Ghibli Museum special exhibitions are just pure delight. All these are now collected in the deluxe 2 vol art book #宮崎駿 と #ジブリ美術館 イラスト集-

    These vibrantly colorful & detailed watercolor illustrations that Hayao Miyazaki painted for the numerous Ghibli Museum special exhibitions are just pure delight. All these are now collected in the deluxe 2 vol art book #宮崎駿 と #ジブリ美術館 イラスト集-
    These vibrantly colorful & detailed watercolor illustrations that Hayao Miyazaki painted for the numerous Ghibli Museum special exhibitions are just pure delight. All these are now collected in the deluxe 2 vol art book #宮崎駿 と #ジブリ美術館 イラスト集-
    These vibrantly colorful & detailed watercolor illustrations that Hayao Miyazaki painted for the numerous Ghibli Museum special exhibitions are just pure delight. All these are now collected in the deluxe 2 vol art book #宮崎駿 と #ジブリ美術館 イラスト集-
    These vibrantly colorful & detailed watercolor illustrations that Hayao Miyazaki painted for the numerous Ghibli Museum special exhibitions are just pure delight. All these are now collected in the deluxe 2 vol art book #宮崎駿 と #ジブリ美術館 イラスト集-

