@victoriaying "deadly class" and "blade of the immortal". A Warning though: both are very violent.

    @victoriaying "deadly class" and "blade of the immortal". A Warning though:  both are very violent.
    @victoriaying "deadly class" and "blade of the immortal". A Warning though:  both are very violent.

    I think I make this a November-sketch-practise-thread, because I don't want to spam you with my random sketches this month. These all kinda start with a phrase or idea I have and sometimes turn into something completely different. ?‍♀️

    I think I make this a November-sketch-practise-thread, because I don't want to spam you with my random sketches this month.

These all kinda start with a phrase or idea I have and sometimes turn into something completely different. ?‍♀️

    @applestrudelz @kipkune have a horrible drawing of mine, that hopefully explains it somewhat. the nerve can also be irritated by your sleeping position. (second image)

    @applestrudelz @kipkune have a horrible drawing of mine, that hopefully explains it somewhat. the nerve can also be irritated by your sleeping position. (second image)
    @applestrudelz @kipkune have a horrible drawing of mine, that hopefully explains it somewhat. the nerve can also be irritated by your sleeping position. (second image)

