aster🌙 starridge@pastelstarstuff

    everyone else was doing the ship dynamic stuff so here's my Hot Take (tm) I don't think i really ever talk about my ships?? wild

    everyone else was doing the ship dynamic stuff so here's my Hot Take (tm)
I don't think i really ever talk about my ships?? wild
    everyone else was doing the ship dynamic stuff so here's my Hot Take (tm)
I don't think i really ever talk about my ships?? wild
    aster🌙 starridge@pastelstarstuff

    how could i forget this one I Am A Fool

    how could i forget this one I Am A Fool
    aster🌙 starridge@pastelstarstuff

    hey something that's been helping me feel better about my finished art recently is redrawing the initial sketch from scratch a couple times. A lot of the time I'll just feel -okay- about a sketch but will continue with it anyway, but restarting helps me realize what i didn't like

    hey something that's been helping me feel better about my finished art recently is redrawing the initial sketch from scratch a couple times. A lot of the time I'll just feel -okay- about a sketch but will continue with it anyway, but restarting helps me realize what i didn't like
    hey something that's been helping me feel better about my finished art recently is redrawing the initial sketch from scratch a couple times. A lot of the time I'll just feel -okay- about a sketch but will continue with it anyway, but restarting helps me realize what i didn't like
    aster🌙 starridge@pastelstarstuff

    really quick character doodles while working on portfolio stuff because i realized my lineup of ocs was drastically missing one of my favorite villain troupes

    really quick character doodles while working on portfolio stuff because i realized my lineup of ocs was drastically missing one of my favorite villain troupes
    aster🌙 starridge@pastelstarstuff

