Some more among us shennanigans with Brave Frontier stans except I get the impostor role 4 times in a row and did a stare off with a friend in front of emergency button until I killed them ????????

    Some more among us shennanigans with Brave Frontier stans except I get the impostor role 4 times in a row and did a stare off with a friend in front of emergency button until I killed them ????????

    Another Among Us moment that I really loved when I was impostor because I killed someone in the pile and the reporter was voted off instead ?????? Cute Brave Frontier beans was made by @idktehnub HHH

    Another Among Us moment that I really loved when I was impostor because I killed someone in the pile and the reporter was voted off instead ??????

Cute Brave Frontier beans was made by @idktehnub HHH
    Another Among Us moment that I really loved when I was impostor because I killed someone in the pile and the reporter was voted off instead ??????

Cute Brave Frontier beans was made by @idktehnub HHH
    Another Among Us moment that I really loved when I was impostor because I killed someone in the pile and the reporter was voted off instead ??????

Cute Brave Frontier beans was made by @idktehnub HHH

    "I don't wish to recall these feelings." #ファイアーエムブレム #FireEmblem #FireEmblemHeroes #FEヒーローズ

    "I don't wish to recall these feelings."

#ファイアーエムブレム #FireEmblem #FireEmblemHeroes #FEヒーローズ
    "I don't wish to recall these feelings."

#ファイアーエムブレム #FireEmblem #FireEmblemHeroes #FEヒーローズ

    Tfw the timid girl you knew in the past basically just went "Fucking do it, bitch"

    Tfw the timid girl you knew in the past basically just went "Fucking do it, bitch"
    Tfw the timid girl you knew in the past basically just went "Fucking do it, bitch"
    Tfw the timid girl you knew in the past basically just went "Fucking do it, bitch"
    Tfw the timid girl you knew in the past basically just went "Fucking do it, bitch"

    "What's your creative process like?"

    "What's your creative process like?"
    "What's your creative process like?"
    "What's your creative process like?"
    "What's your creative process like?"