Today has not been a great day health wise :( Here's a teeny bit of drawing I managed :
Wuh oh! Do you like cheesy not-so-serious comics where ridiculous looking fantasy characters just sit and talk about their FEELINGS ?? Better read Princess Beast then!
The sketch magazine! June 1941 - my absolute fave thing about this magazine is the illustrations on uniforms from "sherrifs" , an illustratior who is srsly underrated.
I often I wake up with no memory of sending random/sentimental/wildly inappropriate texts to ppl. I do this so often, and now just in my sleep apparently. I had to write about it. sorry to anyone I ever did this to, thank you for always being gracious about it
Finished a GN script AND went out to see snow AND am managing to get a bit of drawing in? I'm coming back to life fo sure.
PRINCESS BEAST hasn't got crazy amounts of followers or anything, but has gained 200 new followers over the last day, and I'm absolutely chuffed.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ anyway I updated it today,'s the update. I love drawing gossip, and people having crushes. Tell your pals!! :')
I updated my webcomic yesterday! This next chapter focuses on that awkward blurry line of relationships you don't understand. I find these particular relationships, so fascinating, hence a whole chapter dedicated to them. ITS A RIGHT LAFF YOURE WELCOME -
Uh oh, I updated my webcomic, read if you enjoy stupid cheesy pap and silly expressions!
I've been seeing a chiropractor! The neck thing is ....weird.
I draw a webcomic, and it's actually been updating recently! Here's the latest `banter'. It was really hard to write `banter'. I am not Norah Ephron. Go read if you're into silly romcom comics that are actually about social anxiety! xxx
`and like for every victim, it seems the pain will not subtract or even calm: all this protracted by a state, in which the poor conviction rate for rape, can often leave a victim feeling more at blame than able, to talk about violence tonight' - @littlecomets (thank you) x
I draw this comic called `princess beast' in my spare time, it's a ridiculous fantasy, very inspired by shojo manga, and it's getting incredibly shojo atm. People talking about feelings! Please, do Read if you dig that kind of thing, and tell your pals! 😊
I know it looks like I never draw. In reality, I'm drawing 10 full colour pages a week for my up coming GN, SKIP! I wish I could post it every week like a webcomic. Maybe I'll do more teeny sketches involving the characters instead. Sorry Princess beast is on hold!! Xxx