Seph 🌸🍎🌸@ShiSeptiana

    Epitaph Andrew fanart to celebrate the skin's release #IdentityVfanart

    Epitaph Andrew fanart to celebrate the skin's release

    Seph 🌸🍎🌸@ShiSeptiana

    Sometimes I'm the Ada, sometimes I'm the Emil #IdentityVfanart 🔗 AdaEmil / EmilAda

    Sometimes I'm the Ada,
sometimes I'm the Emil

🔗 AdaEmil / EmilAda
    Sometimes I'm the Ada,
sometimes I'm the Emil

🔗 AdaEmil / EmilAda
    Seph 🌸🍎🌸@ShiSeptiana

    🎨: My precious paintbrush is now ruined. Take responsibility! ⛓️: But you were the one hitting me with that brush 🎨: You said stupid shit ⛓️: I only said your back is pretty✨ #IdentityVfanart 囚画囚 ⛓️🎨⛓️

    🎨: My precious paintbrush is now ruined. Take responsibility!
⛓️: But you were the one hitting me with that brush
🎨: You said stupid shit
⛓️: I only said your back is pretty✨

囚画囚 ⛓️🎨⛓️
    Seph 🌸🍎🌸@ShiSeptiana

    🤡: ?????? #IdentityVfanart

    🤡: ??????

    🤡: ??????

    Seph 🌸🍎🌸@ShiSeptiana

    thinking about this Emil #IdentityVfanart

    thinking about this Emil

    thinking about this Emil
